Day by day, the craze to online transportation business has been evolving. Everyone is looking for the best taxi dispatch system with almost every feature in it but without knowing what’s best for your company you can’t really stand out in the market. You should know what’s necessary and have knowledge of basic features.
An intelligent taxi dispatch algorithm and panel is the soul of the taxi service. The best taxi dispatch software gives you endless possibilities to handle the taxi drivers, cabs, and customers and make actionable decisions based on the trip data.
Let’s have a look at those tax systems app features which are far-most the most important features.


Intelligent taxi cab tracking dispatch systems

A taxi dispatch system is developed to make it easier for customers to book a taxi and allow taxi company to manage their information. A smart dispatch system allows you to send requests to drivers on the basis of either Zone/queue base (Offer to send to the driver who came first in the zone) or Distance/ time base (Offer to send to the nearest driver). In any case, you want to review any driver’s record a smart dispatch system also lets you review all the historical information of your driver and his trips.


Live Vehicle Tracking GIS

With improved and advanced taxi systems cab tracking dispatch systems you can improve the productivity of your customer service. Through vehicle tracking, GIS companies can monitor their overall fleet and secure vehicles from being stolen.


Booking Terminals for Airports, Hotels

Multiple booking options make us stand out in the market. Booking terminals for airports, hotels, and corporate business. More booking channels mean more business. You can also re-brand according to your business requirements. Our system will allow your guests to have a custom ride from your side with your brand name on tablets.


Owner portal

Providing owners with secure access to their own database will enable them to monitor all assets or a particular property’s portfolio. This portal allows the owners to consider the output of their properties and view critical information through taxi cab tracking dispatch systems, so they can appreciate the value of your management services. Now with features like this, owners can have full access to their vehicles and shift reports. Owners can also have a critical analysis of each driver’s progress and make their productivity report.


Booking Application

Simple booking application to reduce the manual dial and call the struggle for passengers containing the following features

  • Now & Schedule Booking
  • Multiple Car Features
  • Discount Promos
  • Multiple Payment Methods
  • Tour Tracking & Sharing
  • Rate the Driver & Service
  • Feedback options

Above are the necessary features one should look for in a dispatch system but the major highlights of the booking application are as follow

Gender Verification

Categorize your customers based on gender and facilitate them accordingly.

Tap Stream

The more you’ll understand your customers the more you can fulfill their needs. Through tap stream, you’ll get to know where your customers scroll through your application. E.g. If he’s checking the fare then you can give him a promo code accordingly.

“If you don’t know who your customer is, you don’t know what quality is.”
-Eric Ries


Driver Application

The seamless taxi systems solution helps the driver to control his reservations quickly and keep track of each trip and his profits. The driver application should have features like Distance Calculator, Broadcasted Tours, and pre-Assigned Tours, Customer Rating, Earning Report, Online Time, and fare Calculator. Without the above features, it’s difficult to run a taxi dispatch system. These features hold a core value but two major features that can make you win the game in the market are as below

Street Pick

Have you ever thought of a service for your taxi company that doesn’t require an application or smartphone? You can gain customers through your app and street pick service also. Street pick service will be fully based on automated fare calculation.

Real-time Fare Calculation

Every taxi customer is complaining about the manipulative fare system of taxi companies but with features like real-time fare calculation customers can not only check the fare meter whenever they want but they can also trust the driver at the time of payment.

Apart from all these basic taxi systems app features let’s talk about those advanced taxi booking features which should be introduced earlier because they play a vital role in the development of the best taxi dispatch software


Also See this: Our Taxi System Features


ChatBot for Taxi System

Technology is increasing day by day. Machines are taking over humans for their ease. Recently a new tool has been designed to simplify the interaction between humans and computers i.e ‘Chatbot’. People have been using chatbots for their e-commerce websites, getting a quick answer in an emergency, resolving a complaint or problem, etc so why not use Chatbot in the taxi dispatch system.

What if you can book your ride simply from Facebook messenger. Isn’t it cool?  Through a solution based on natural language understanding, customers can book a taxi from the Facebook messenger, get a price estimate, and generate a support ticket. Chatbots can help Taxi companies to cater to their clients online. With a fast performing chatbot, they can move their sales count up. ChatBot can be taught to answer any question asked by the customers. Since its machine learning, the longer the chatbot is taught, the better their responses are.

“AI can be our friend”
-Bill Gates


Business Intelligence

The most complex task in a dispatching company is maintaining the records of customers and trip details. Managing your raw data into meaningful information can give you valuable output and it can also save your time and energy. One can easily analyze data and make important business decisions based on it, especially in a taxi company where you’ve loads of data of customers.

Every company that aims to develop the best taxi dispatch system will definitely look for something which can solve issues, in this regard, Microsoft has introduced a powerful tool ‘’Power Bi’’ (Business intelligence) that will transform your unrelated data sources into captivating and interactive insights. By using intuitive visualizations and tables you can measure the

  • The behavior of your customer
  • Daily percentage of customers
  • Classifying your customers into different types and measure which type of customers are using your taxi service and when they would want your taxi.

This will eventually increase your business and you’ll get to know the nature of your customers.

Anonymous Calling

Privacy is the essential human right that has gone missing in the beyond years. Taxi companies have been facing a lot of difficulties in dealing with customers’ and driver’s privacy. Customers have to face a lot of issues regarding fake calls. They can’t hide their number from Taxi drivers but with the feature like anonymous calling, customers can actually call drivers without their phone number being disclosed. This gives customers mental freedom and confidence in using the taxi app. This is one of the best taxi dispatch system features as it enables people to communicate securely and anonymously.


Ticket Management System

As the world of technology moves forward companies are actually taking notes of customers’ feedback so that they can improve their system. These days when taxi businesses have basic dashboards which give the overall result of business, ticket management system not only generates a ticket every time when a customer complains about anything but also automatically generates a ticket when any customer leaves a below 3 ratings on the app. The main objective of ticket management software is that it allows better monitoring of the problems faced by customers. With a proper ticketing management system in the best taxi dispatch software organizations get access to an unlimited number of requests and incidents, through a single interface.


Emergency Triggers

Most people don’t know that most ride-sharing companies operate simply as call centers that link prospective riders and licensed drivers and therefore have no influence over the vehicles. These days where security is a big issue, ride-hailing services are supposed to be a safe haven for those looking for a reliable and secure method of transportation but unfortunately, riders and drivers both are facing issues but a feature like Emergency triggers can resolve the alarming issue. Once the driver or passenger will tap the button, they’ll be instantly connected to customer support and they’ll further take quick actions. The emergency trigger will be used in situations where a passenger or driver is in danger and requires immediate safety response, e.g. he or she may be facing aggressive or threatening behavior, unwanted physical touch, attempted vehicle snatching, robbery, or any form of violence or attack.

What to do Next?

Now that you know about all the essentials and up to date features required in a taxi system, the very next thing to go for is that to determine whether there’s any system that provides all these features under one umbrella? The solution for you is right here, cabsoluit provides all these above mentioned much-advanced features. So bring a change to your cab business and contact us here for Free demo solution


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